Kathrine Snyder
Author and OCD Advocate
A Storyteller's Life
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- My Parent is Neurodivergent | Kathrine Snyder
For All with PGAD "Kathrine intricately weaves a captivating memoir of the layered connections among her experiences with mental health, sexuality, faith, and identity. In this insightfully written and compelling work, she details her struggles with an incredibly distressing and highly misunderstood sexual health condition called persistent genital arousal disorder. This unique book will bring this mysterious condition into the light and will resonate with many readers." —Caroline F. Pukall, PhD, CPsych, Canada Research Chair in Sexual Health (CIHR), Professor, Department of Psychology, Centre for Neuroscience Studies, Sex and Relationship Therapy Service For All with OCD “Through rich story and tender reflection, Kathrine shares her journey with OCD. She is real, honest, and vulnerable with the confusion and the clarity she has experienced. This book is a grace for those who struggle with OCD and a gift for those who seek to walk with those who struggle. May it cast a vision of acceptance and healing for all those who enter its pages.” —Dr. Lacy Finn Borgo, spiritual director, teacher and author of Faith Like a Child: Embracing Our Lives as Children of God For All with Uncertainty “This impressive, intimate portrait is both visceral and intellectual, spiritual and physical. Yet this is much more than a book on OCD. Kathrine’s portrayal of her struggles around feelings, sexuality, and relationships is for anyone who has experienced pain and confusion.” —Justin K. Hughes, MA, LPC specializing in OCD, Forthcoming Author, The Christian Guide to Overcoming Obsessions & Compulsions Notify Me When Book is Available! Notify Me When Book is Available! Notify Me! Thanks for submitting! We look forward to sending you more information about the book! What happens when the voice of uncertainty never sleeps? Video trailer coming soon! Beauty There All Along Video abspielen Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Link kopieren Link kopiert “This is the kind of book that changes the world. This book will help set people free.” —Dr. Robert R. Perkinson, Ph.D., author of thirty-four books, including God Speaks to You Notify Me When Book is Available! Notify Me! Thanks for submitting! We look forward to sending you more information about the book! Support Me Shimmering Around the Edges OCD rituals have become Kathrine’s prison. A joyful and creative child, she is slowly being consumed by her compulsive attempts to understand relationships, sexuality, and faith. She spends days in endless prayer and confession, sleepless nights in computer research, and countless hours trying to comprehend the desires and sensations that most people understand by instinct. She just wants to know for sure. And she is convinced that she can find certainty and connection if she just researches a bit more and ruminates a bit longer. When shocking news reveals that people around her are not who they seem to be—and she herself is not who she thought she was—her world turns upside down. As her frantic striving pushes her farther away from the connection and certainty she craves, Kathrine must discover the God who is with us, even through compulsion, confusion, and chaos. Raw and redemptive, Shimmering Around the Edges not only gives hope to OCD sufferers but also speaks to those who have experienced the disorientation of trauma or loss. “This is the kind of book that changes the world. This book will help set people free.” —Dr. Robert R. Perkinson, Ph.D., author of thirty-four books, including God Speaks to You Cathy Little, Co-Director, Face to Face Ministries, Author “Kathrine invites readers onto the sacred ground of her personal story in a way that few have the capacity to do… Regardless of whether you share the same struggles, you will find this book relevant, and a worthy companion on your own journey of healing. Kathrine’s style will draw you in. Her heart will take you deeper. Her story will help you heal.” Dr. Donya Ball, EdD, author “A masterful, highly relatable personal memoir of the trials and tribulations of life that many may experience but seldom share. An incredible storyteller that has you laughing, crying, and thankful for the tough journey through stress, anxiety, and beautiful chaos.” Sharon Ogden, LCSW, MSSW, Christian Spiritual Director “This powerful, beautifully written book is the most intimate look I have ever had into the mind of a person battling with OCD, identity, and understanding of God. For those who want to know more details about her healing journey, the appendix offers a rich collection of resources. A must-read for anyone hoping to gain a better understanding of life with OCD.” Notify Me When Book is Available! Notify Me When Book is Available! Notify Me! Thanks for submitting! We look forward to sending you more information about the book! Karl Forehand, author “A helpful and candid memoir of one woman's journey through crippling confusion to find freedom and healing in the mystery and uncertainty of an authentic journey toward truth." Dr. Cashe’ Featherson, PhD, Minister, Author, Professor, and Psychotherapist “Suspenseful, captivating, and full of action, the story had me on the edge of my seat. I was so engrossed that I didn’t even notice my wife walk into the room. Intriguing and insightful, with a plot linked together like a chain, it creates a compelling read. Extraordinarily excellent.” Tori Beck, The Christian Advocate, Instagram “Kathrine beautifully and palpably captured the experience of OCD in such an accurate, soul-level way that I felt it in my gut. I couldn't put it down. Kathrine managed to take the convoluted, confusing, and messy reality of OCD and transform it into a beautiful narrative that you can't help but live right along with her as you read.” Now, More Than Ever, Isolated People Need Your Help My vision is to reach key groups of people who feel isolated: people who feel alone in their experience OCD, people with PGAD, and people who are experiencing the disorientation of change, trauma, and loss. The loneliness crisis is massive. But together, we can solve it. Your support will pay for ads and marketing material so these people can find this message. You can make a difference to help these people feel less alone!
- Home | Kathrine Snyder
A compelling message in today's uncertain times. This fast-paced, novelistic memoir gives readers an intimate look into Kathrine's struggle with OCD, while weaving a deeper story of reality, identity, and meaning. A poignant true story of hope. Buy Now! For those with OCD, a voice of hope. “This powerful, beautifully written book is the most intimate look I have ever had into the mind of a person battling with OCD, identity, and understanding of God." —Sharon Ogden, LCSW, MSSW, Christian Spiritual Director, Search for Jesus Discipleship Coach, Co-founder of Immanuel Way Ministries For those in pain, a voice of healing. “A profoundly moving journey of self-discovery. I highly recommend this book. It offers a relatable and honest perspective and makes one feel seen and heard - an important step toward healing and liberation.” —Hicham El Amrani - Author, VIP Trainer and Executive Coach Notify Me When Book is Available! Notify Me! Thanks for submitting! We look forward to sending you more information about the book! For those with Uncertainty, a voice of courage. “Kathrine’s portrayal of her struggles around feelings, sexuality, and relationships is for anyone who has experienced pain and confusion.” —Justin K. Hughes, MA, LPC specializing in OCD, Forthcoming Author, The Christian Guide to Overcoming Obsessions & Compulsions Video abspielen Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Link kopieren Link kopiert We're All Seeking Answers. But what happens when the search for certainty becomes pathologica l? OCD rituals have become Kathrine’s prison. A joyful and creative child, she is slowly being consumed by her compulsive attempts to understand relationships, sexuality, and faith. She spends days in endless prayer and confession, sleepless nights in computer research, and countless hours trying to comprehend the desires and sensations that most people understand by instinct. She just wants to know for sure. And she is convinced that she can find certainty and connection if she just researches a bit more and ruminates a bit longer. When shocking news reveals that people around her are not who they seem to be—and she herself is not who she thought she was—her world turns upside down. As her frantic striving pushes her farther away from the connection and certainty she craves, Kathrine must discover the God who is with us, even through compulsion, confusion, and chaos. Raw and redemptive, Shimmering Around the Edges not only gives hope to OCD sufferers but also speaks to those who have experienced the disorientation of trauma or loss. “This is the kind of book that changes the world. This book will help set people free.” — Dr. Robert R. Perkinson, Ph.D., author of thirty-four books, including God Speaks to You Notify Me When Book is Available! Notify Me! Thanks for submitting! We look forward to sending you more information about the book! Support Me Tori Beck, The Christian Advocate, Instagram “Kathrine beautifully and palpably captured the experience of OCD in such an accurate, soul-level way that I felt it in my gut. I couldn't put it down. Kathrine managed to take the convoluted, confusing, and messy reality of OCD and transform it into a beautiful narrative that you can't help but live right along with her as you read.” Now, More Than Ever, Isolated People Need Your Help My vision is to reach three key groups of people who feel isolated: people who feel alone in their mental health people who are alone in their sexual health and people who are experiencing the disorientation of change, trauma, and loss. The loneliness crisis is massive. But together, we can solve it. Your support will pay for ads and marketing material so these people can find this message. You can make a difference to help these people feel less alone!
- About | Kathrine Snyder
Finding a Path through Anxiety and Uncertainty ABOUT KATHRINE Kathrine Snyder graduated from Prairie Bible College in Alberta, is a full-time ghostwriter and editor. She has ghostwritten several leadership books and memoirs for clients from six countries, including an international nine-figure businessman. Kathrine is passionate about literary craft, trauma-informed care, and advocacy for PGAD and OCD. She is committed to helping people survive change and uncertainty, including the disorientation that comes from shame-filled religious ideologies and forge a personal connection with Jesus. Explore Kathrine's Blog Is it possible to hear God's voice? How can you tell if it's really God, or if it's the voice of religious trauma, anxiety, or OCD? Read More Learn about mental health, sexuality, PGAD, OCD, and more. Read More Fear, anxiety, and controlling religion often lead to a narrow perspective. Let's learn a new way of knowing... a new way of seeing. Read More
- About | Kathrine Snyder
Meet Kathrine Snyder My Story of PGAD and OCD Confused. Disoriented. Bewildered. For many years of my life, these words characterized my everyday life. Growing up in the Midwest at the height of purity culture , I struggled with questions about relationships, sexuality, and faith. Each of these areas seemed like a puzzle I couldn't solve. Through the lenses of OCD and anxiety, Christianity seemed like an endless treadmill of rituals and performance. With the added complexity of the PGAD and purity culture, sexuality seemed like a terrifying mirage that I could never quite grasp or understand. Discovering my undiagnosed anxiety, PGAD, and OCD set me on a path of healing and peace. I’m passionate about sharing my journey of rediscovery. It's not just about the answers I found out for myself... it's about the new, healthy practices I've learned along the way. It's about learning a new way to understand, a new way to know. A new way to see. My Story of Religious Anxiety For many years, Christianity seemed like an endless treadmill of rituals and performance, service, witnessing, reading the Bible, and praying. Like a runner on a treadmill, I never made progress forward toward God. I knew that if I lost my focus for even a moment, I would fall off the treadmill. For the past several years, I've been on a journey of rediscovering God in the wreckage of anxiety, OCD, PGAD, and fear-based religion. In the process, I've made surprising new discoveries about mental illness, sexuality, God, and myself. In my blog articles and upcoming book, I seek to offer gentle place for processing anxiety and fear-based religion, allowing space for surprising encounters with a compassionate, ever-present God. I am passionate about reintroducing others to the God who has always been present. He's always waiting and wooing in every moment of anguish or exhilaration. During decades of work with children from hard places, I became passionate about a trauma-informed approach to life. I believe that God is always waiting and wooing, in every heart-throbbing panic attack or vivid moment of stillness. I am being trained on the Immanuel Approach Intervention, a trauma-informed approach to finding God's presence and peace in every traumatic moment. I am currently completing my second book. I am also a ghostwriter and editor , specializing in memoir, nonfiction, and leadership. My Story Get in Touch When I first discovered an online community that understood my journey with OCD, fear-based religion, and Purity Culture, my mind was blown! I hope you can find the same encouragement through connecting with my story. Click the links to find out more about my journey. I look forward to connecting with you! Join my Social media - Instagram & Facebook. Subscribe to my Blog and receive updates on my upcoming memoir. It is my prayer that it is a blessing to you! Email me at any time to connect with me or let me help you write your story! Mail Support Me The writing process is time-intensive and all-consuming. Your support will free up my time and energy to connect with more readers who can be encouraged by my story. Contact Support Me
- OCD, PGAD, Anxiety, and Controlling Religion | Kathrine Snyder
Finding a Path through Anxiety and Uncertaint y A Memoir of Anxiety, Uncertainty, and Unexpected Faith Read More Smart and sensitive, Kathrine is consumed by her compulsive attempts to understand romance until she discovers that the mystery of God is all she needs in the uncertainty. The ordinary world of romance never made sense to Kathrine. She’s not sure what people are talking about when they say “sparks” or “fireworks.” Certain she will fall into the worst of sins if she talks to a boy, she spends hours compulsively confessing her sins and pushing away every thought of romance. Fun-loving, full of adventure, and artistic, this smart, sensitive girl experiences life through the distorting lens of undiagnosed obsessive-compulsive disorder—convinced her compulsive worries protect her from danger. When a series of unexpected events throw her world off balance, she struggles to make sense of her inner and outer realities. Dr. Donya Ball Author of Adjusting the Sails "If you yearn for an ‘I can't get enough page-turner,’ look no further. Kathrine has created a masterful, highly relatable personal memoir of the trials and tribulations of life that many may experience but seldom share. An incredible storyteller that has you laughing, crying, and thankful for the tough journey through stress, anxiety, and beautiful chaos."— Karl Forehand, author, co-founder of The Desert Sanctuary “Fear-based theology and our need for certainty often lead to crippling anxiety, driving the trauma and dysfunction deeper inside us. This is a helpful and candid memoir of one woman's journey through crippling OCD and confusion to find freedom and healing in the mystery and uncertainty of an authentic journey toward truth." Sarah, OCD advocate at Faith, Me, and OCD “I also wanted to say what a profound effect your story had on me. Your experience is the first I've read which most closely resembles my own and which made me feel I wasn't alone! This book speaks truth and beauty. It was so powerful, I didn't want to put it down. Through the liberation at the end of the story, I felt liberated too. It gave me such a sense of peace. I felt seen.” About Me Growing up in the Midwest at the height of purity culture, I struggled for decades with undiagnosed anxiety, PGAD, and OCD . Confused and disoriented, I obsessed with questions about relationships, sexuality, and faith. Each of these areas seemed like a puzzle I couldn't solve . From sexuality to religion, life seemed like a terrifying mirage that I could never quite grasp or understand. I’m passionate about sharing my journey of discovery. It's not just about the answers I found out for myself... it's about the new, healthy practices I've learned along the way. It's about learning a new way to understand, a new way to know. A new way to see. I'd love to hear your story. Get in touch for updates about my upcoming book and blog ! Read More CONNECT Explore My Blog To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Fear, anxiety, and controlling religion often lead to a narrow perspective. Let's open our eyes wider instead of narrowing them in fear. Let's learn a new way of knowing... a new way of seeing. Read More Is it possible to hear God's voice? How can you tell if it's really God, or if it's the voice of religious trauma, anxiety, or OCD? Read More Mental health, sexuality, religious trauma, OCD, and more. Look for the hand of God, who has been with you, even when you did not see him. Read More CONTINUE THE JOURNEY Subscribe to Blog
- OCD, PGAD, Anxiety, and Controlling Religion | Kathrine Snyder
Finding a Path through Anxiety and Uncertainty About Kathrine Read More Kathrine Snyder graduated from Prairie Bible College in Alberta, is a full-time ghostwriter and editor. She has ghostwritten several leadership books and memoirs for clients from six countries, including an international nine-figure businessman. Kathrine is passionate about literary craft, trauma-informed care, and advocacy for PGAD and OCD. She is committed to helping people survive change and uncertainty, including the disorientation that comes from shame-filled religious ideologies and forge a personal connection with Jesus. CONNECT Explore Kathrine's Blog Is it possible to hear God's voice? How can you tell if it's really God, or if it's the voice of religious trauma, anxiety, or OCD? Learn about mental health, sexuality, PGAD, OCD, and more. Read More Read More Fear, anxiety, and controlling religion often lead to a narrow perspective. Let's learn a new way of knowing... a new way of seeing. Read More
- My Parent is Autistic | Kathrine Snyder
Your Parent Has Autism. "I couldn’t quite read the faces of my parents. Did they see what I didn’t yet see: that my panic and quest for reassurance were just another way of asking for love? That panic was a way to get the comfort I hungered for? That I didn’t feel truly alive unless I was sure I was loved?" Your parent has autism. Because they struggled to understand your emotions, you felt unseen. Because they had meltdowns, you felt deeply ashamed. You’re tired of searching “children of autistic parents” and finding nothing. Finally, a resource from someone who understands. “ (Image: I wasn’t sure I was real loved unless I had…) "I wanted to say what a profound effect your story had on me. It made me realize that we have a lot in common and through the liberation at the end of the story, I felt liberated too. It gave me such a sense of peace. I felt seen." --Sarah "I couldn’t quite read the faces of my parents. Did they see what I didn’t yet see: that my panic and quest for reassurance were just another way of asking for love? That panic was a way to get the comfort I hungered for? That I didn’t feel truly alive unless I was sure I was loved?" --Kathrine Snyder
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